Above the Green Night

Above the Green Night

Federico García Lorca’s “Poem of the Deep Song” is steeped in strong, beautiful imagery of love and death. I took some of these images as points of departure for Above the Green Night. The first movement, Blind Archers, is fast and unsettled like a chase, interspersed with two brief dream-like sections. Each player is given a chance to rest and sing in the second movement, Hour of Stars.

Commissioned by The Minneapolis Guitar Quartet
Type: Chamber

SKU: HP02-06 Categories: , Tag:

Audio Credit: Tantalus Quartet

Year Composed: 2001

Duration: 13:30 ​

Listen while perusing a copy of the score

  1. Above the Green Night: I. Blind Archers
  2. Above the Green Night: II. Hour of Stars

​​​ Above the Green Night Complete Score Perusal Copy_0

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