Purchase Music 
In the Store
Order music online! All of my compositions on this page are available in print or as downloadable PDFs. Click on the image for a full description, perusal score and more! Questions? Contact me and I will do my best to provide you with the information you are looking for.
Licensing FAQs
Licensing FAQs
Our goal is to make it easy for you to listen to, program, and perform Edie’s music – we do not want licensing requirements to make it confusing, inconvenient, or too expensive. If you have questions we have not answered here, please feel free to contact us. We will try our best to accomodate you.
Question: I want my choir or chamber ensemble to perform your piece. Do I need to buy multiple copies?
Answer: Yes, you must purchase a separate copy for each individual performer. When you buy a copy of Edie’s music, you are purchasing a license to perform the music. You can do this in one of two ways:
1. Click on the item in the catalog and purchase the number of hard copies you need along with the appropriate shipping charge. We will send the copies through the mail.
2. Click on the item in the catalog and choose digital download. Indicate the number of performers you will have and pay for each copy. Download a PDF copy of the work to your personal computer and print as many copies as you have purchased.
Question: I am part of a duet, do we both have to buy our own copies?
Answer: Yes, each performer needs to purchase a copy. The same is true for collaborative pianists.
Question: We lost one of the copies we paid for, can we get another copy?
Answer: Yes. You can make another copy if you lose one. If you lose your only hard copy, contact us and we will send you another.
Question: May I sell our copies to another group?
Answer: No. You are purchasing a license to perform the music, not a license to sell it or pass it on to another group.
Question: What does it mean to “buy a license to copy or perform music”?
Answer: When you buy one score (copy of the music), you are actually buying a license to perform that work. You are not buying the music, but only the permission to perform that music.
Question: Do I need to buy a new copy (license) for every performance?
Answer: No. You have Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press’ permission to perform the piece as many times as you want – but please contact us so we can promote your performance on Hill’s website and register the performance with ASCAP http://www.ascap.com/. This is important because Hill’s royalties are based on the number of times her work is performed. (Plus she gets bragging rights!)
Question: How can I buy a license to perform Edie Hill’s compositions?
When you a buy a copy, you are buying one license:
1. Click on the item in the catalog and purchase the number of hard copies you need along with the appropriate shipping charge. We will send the copies through the mail.
2. Click on the item in the catalog and choose digital download. Indicate the number of performers you will have and pay for each copy. Download a PDF copy of the work(s). Once we receive payment, you have the right to produce the number of copies you paid for.
Question: What is music licensing for and how is it relevant to me?
Answer: All of the music Hill composes is copyright protected. Federal law protects “musical works, including any accompanying words.” All original compositions, original arrangements, new arrangements, lyrics, and sound recordings are protected by Federal copyright law. Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press retain the exclusive rights to reproduce the copyrighted works (i.e., to make copies); to prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted music; to sell, rent, lend, or transfer ownership of copies; and to perform the copyrighted musical work publicly or transmit it electronically.
Question: What are the penalties for violating the copyright laws?
Answer: If you are found to be making illegal copies of copyrighted works, you can face fines of $750 to $30,000 (statutory damages) and if the court finds willfulness, up to $150,000 per copyright infringement. If willful infringement for commercial advantage and private financial gain is proven, fines can increase up to $250,000 and/or 5 years imprisonment or both.
Question: May I copy or publish one of Hill’s original works if I list Edie Hill’s name and include the copyright symbol?
Answer: No. You need to purchase a license for each copy you make or obtain prior written permission. It is not enough to list Edie Hill’s name and indicate the work is under copyright protection. You must get special permission if you plan to publish the work in any type of collection. Please contact us.
Question: Do I have to pay for each copy if I distribute the copies for free and do not charge for them?
Answer: Yes, you must pay for each copy. If you make copies and give them away for free, you are still infringing the copyright and you are still subject to fines. You need to purchase a license for each copy you make or obtain written permission.
Question: If I find one of Hill’s compositions on the internet or in a magazine, is it in the public domain?
Answer: No. Simply because a work appears on the internet or in any other published form, it does not mean that Edie Hill or Hummingbird Press has placed the work in public domain or granted permission for anyone to download the work and make copies of it without paying a licensing fee.
Question: I am a teacher and am using the music sheets for instructional purposes. Isn’t that use exempted from the copyright laws under the doctrine of “fair use?”
Answer: The short answer is no, you need a license for each copy – this includes excerpts in workbooks, standardized tests, answer sheets, and exercise manuals. However, Hill has been a music educator for over twenty years and understands the pressures, limitations, and challenges associated with music education. We are committed to making it as easy as possible for educators to use Hill’s music, so please contact us. In addition to lowering or waiving the fee, we may have other material you might find useful.
Question: I am a journalist, writer, or Ph.D. student. Do I need to purchase a license?
Answer: Yes, unless you contact us first. If you contact us, we will be happy to send you a complimentary copy. You must either pay for your copy, or obtain prior written permission from Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press if you plan on using Hill’s music in any way.
Question: May I make a new arrangement of one of Edie Hill’s compositions?
Answer: Yes, but you must have written permission from Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press. The new arrangement is considered a “derivative work.” The right to produce a derivative work is exclusively held by Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press.
Question: If I make a new arrangement, will I have a copyright on the new arrangement?
Answer: If Hill gives you written permission to make a new arrangement, yes, that new arrangement will receive copyright protection.
Question: May I record a performance?
Answer: Yes. In fact we love to hear performances of Hill’s music, so please send us a copy. However, if you record it must be for archival, non-commercial use only. For any other use, which includes posting on the internet, you are required to contact Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press to get permission. A fee may be charged depending on the circumstances.
Question: What if my group wishes to make a commercial recording?
Answer: Contact Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press for a Mechanical License. You must have permission to record for commercial use and have a mechanical license agreement with Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press.
Question: May I post a copy of a performance video on YouTube?
Answer: You must have written permission from Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press to post a video performance on YouTube. Posting on YouTube or any other digital site without explicit written permission from Edie Hill and Hummingbird Press constitutes an infringement of synchronization and broadcasting rights.
Question: What is ASCAP?
Answer: ASCAP is the performance rights organization with which Edie is affiliated. Every performance of Hill’a music must be licensed by ASCAP. These licenses are purchased from ASCAP. Sometimes they are purchased by venues that are frequent hosts to musical events, ensembles that perform the works of ASCAP composers, or presenters of new music. If you have any questions about ASCAP, check their website or contact us.
Question: Can I rent scores from Hummingbird Press?
Answer: Yes. Larger scores (for orchestra or large instrumental ensemble) are available by rental from Hummingbird Press. Please contact us for rental arrangements.
Retail Distribution Policy
Retail Distribution Policy
We believe music stores play an important role in the industry and hope to help keep them viable.
- We are happy to extend standard discounts for bulk orders made by recognized retail outlets.
- If you represent an organization only authorized to purchase through specific vendors, please send us the contact information of that vendor so we may facilitate the purchase. We promise to make the transaction as easy and transparent to you as possible.
- If you are a music store and wish to carry some or all of Hill’s catalog, please email us and put “requesting music store discount” in the subject.
Edie Hill’s Catalog